Beaver County Career and Technical Center Application Instructions
To apply to attend the BCCTC you can do one of the following: Go to bcctc.org
Click on 'CTC Resources'
Click on 'Applying to BCCTC'
Scroll down to the Big Beaver Falls Application Portal -click there - and this will take you to the application
OR -
You can use the following link to take you directly to the application (cut and paste the link into your browser)
Once the application has been completed and submitted, it will come to Mrs. Cobb at the high school. I will fill in the necessary school information for the student and submit the application to the BCCTC.
Just a reminder - your attendance and grades will be checked to ensure that you will be eligible to attend the CTC.
If there are any questions, please contact me via phone or email. Contact information is listed below.
Mrs. Jodi Cobb
CTC Liaison cobbj@tigerweb.org
724-843-7470 extension 1308