• SAP (Student Assistance Program)

    At the High School, the Student Assistance Program (SAP) provides a way to identify high-risk students who are having school-related problems because of alcohol or drug use, suicidal tendencies, or mental health problems.

    It is also a method of intervening by referring these children to appropriate community services. SAP consists of a systematic process which makes it possible for trained school personnel to determine which students are having problems and to refer them for help.

    The Student Assistance Team is composed of trained personnel consisting of the SAP Coordinator, teachers, guidance counselors, school nurse and administrators.

    It is the parent’s right to be involved in the process, and the SAP process provided the key to successful resolutions of problems. To speak with an SAP team member, please contact your child’s guidance counselor or building administrator.

    SAP Referrel Form


    SAP Members