• Nurse
    School Health Services

    Middle School Nurse
    Mrs. Tara Akin
    724-843-7470 Ext 1224  
    High School Nurse
    Mrs. Daya Lindsey
    724-843-7470 Ext 1311   

    Central Elementary

    Mrs. Susan Swanson
    724-843-7470 Ext 6124

    Big Beaver Elementary

    Mrs. Lisa Green
    724-827-2828 Ext 5201

    School health services are provided in the BBFASD to develop and maintain optimum health in children of school age. Health services provided include yearly vision examinations and yearly height and weight assessments. Medical examinations are given upon entry as well as grades six and eleven. Dental exams are given upon entry as well as grades three and seven. Screening programs conducted throughout the school year include hearing tests, lipid testing for seventh grade students, and scoliosis screening on sixth and seventh grade students. In addition, Body Mass Index (BMI) is administered to all students in kindergarten through grade 12. The school nurse develops and coordinates all of the health services and acts as a health advocate to students who are ill or injured during school hours. She serves as a source of information to teachers and as an interpreter to the parent of a child's health as revealed in health records and behavior.